Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Het leven van een zendelinge

From e-mail dated 14 April, 2009

Goedemiddag! (Or-- I guess in Utah it would still be goedemorgen!)
We didn't get the chance to email yesterday because it was tweede pass (second Easter) and so everything was closed. So, our mission president had us move two hours of P-day to today so that we could email and do our grocery shopping...
I've decided to spend my email time responding to your emails and questions and then use a letter to write about the things that are going on so that I have enough time to read the emails from president and everything as well--so just fyi, a letter with all of the exciting stories is on the way (or will be after today-- I'm going to try to get some pictures in there as well--).
We have interviews in Den Haag tomorrow, so we will be getting anything the mission home has received then. I'm excited to be going to Den Haag and to spend some time with other missionaries--I think a couple of the Elders who were in the MTC for my first three weeks will be there, and they are amazing, so I'm stoked to get to hear how the work is going for them...
The bike situation is all settled now-- but because of the whole long situation, I spent a lot more on the bike than I expected to before coming-- I didn't really have a choice though-- so I'm praying really really hard that Heavenly Father will bless my bike to have very few problems while I'm on my mission...
I know the church is true and that it is so important to listen to the words of the living prophet. Re-listen to general conference!
Met liefde,
Zuster Chantelle Fowler

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Sister Fowler! I met Liz yesterday at Deseret Book and she gave me your blogspot because I will be following you out there in July! :) I am so excited to be heading to the Netherlands to work with and serve great people (and meet you)! I am LOVING your stories and testimony! Keep righteousness and happiness!
    Ik ben u altijd indachtig in mijn gebeden!
